Top 30+ Java Programming Interview Questions And Answers For 2024

In this article, we have write the most important java program questions and answers. This questions are asked at the time of interview and computer science, BCA and other computer related technical exams. If you read more about this questions and read answers of this questions, then click the any question.

Simple Java Program

1. Java Program To Add Two Numbers: In Different Ways.

2. Java Program To Subtract Two Numbers : In different ways.

3. Java Program To Perform Arithmetic Operations.

4. Java Program To Find The Result Of Bitwise Operator.

5. Java Program To Perform Relational Operations.

6. Java Program To Convert Temperature From Fahrenheit To Celsius.

7. Java Program To Convert Paisa To Rupees And Dollar.

8. Java Program To Calculate Simple Interest.

9. Java Program To Find Greatest Of Two Number.

10. Java Program to Check a Character is Upper Case Letter or Lower Case Letter or Digit.

11. Java Program to Find Factorial of Any Number Using While Loop.

12.Java Program to Calculate LCM and HCF of Any Two Numbers.

13. Java Program to Print the Prime Numbers Between 1 and 100.

14. Java Program to Find Greatest of Any Three Number: In Different Ways.

15. Java Program to Find Reverse of a Number.

16. Java Program to Find Factors of a Number.

17. Java Program to Convert Decimal Number to Binary or vice versa.

18. Java Program to read a number then print the factors and print prime factors.

19. Java Program to Print Armstrong Numbers between 1 and 1000.

20. Java Program to Read 10 Student Mark and Display Position of the student.

21. Java Program to Print Floyd's Triangle up to a Given Number.

22. Java Program to display Pascal's Triangle up to a number of rows.

23. Java Program to Check the Number is Prime or Not.

24. Java Program to Sort a List of Numbers Using Array.

25. Addition of Two Matrix in Java program.

26. Subtraction of Two Matrix in Java program.

27. Multiplication of Two Matrix in Java program.

28. Remove Duplicate Elements from an Array in Java Program.

29. Marge Two Array In Java Program.

30. Java Program to Sort a List of String in Alphabetically.

31. Java Program to Find out all Prime Numbers From a Given Random Numbers.

32. Java Program to Calculate Average of Nth Float Numbers in An Array.

33. Java Program to Find Whether the Person is Eligible to Vote or Not.

34. Java Program To Check the Year is Leap Year or Not.

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