List of Commonly Used Function Modules in SAP ABAP

Function modules are sub-programs, But not like an include programs. It run it-self without main program. That contains a set of reusable statements or code with importing and exporting parameters. In SAP ABAP provides some predeveloped or predefined function modules as per the requirement you will use it. 

If you use the function module, then first you know what is the working of this predeveloped function module. Below have the different function modules and their uses.


Function Modules It's Uses
REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY Show the data in table format .
REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY Show the data in table format .
REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE Convert table to fieldcat.
LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE Convert table to fieldcat .
HR_IN_CHG_INR_WRDS Convert amount to word.(only Indian rupees)
SPELL_AMOUNT Convert amount to word.(any country amount)
FI_CONVERT_FIRSTCHARS_TOUPPER Convert first letter is upper case letter.
GET_CURRENT_YEAR Show the current financial year.
RP_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL Add two date or month
ADD_TIME_TO_DATE Add two time
SD_DATETIME_DIFFERENCE Difference of two date and time
G_POSTING_DATE_OF_PERIOD_GET Find form date and to date.
HR_JP_MONTH_BEGIN_END_DATE Find month start date and end date.
C14Z_MESSAGES_SHOW_AS_POPUP Show the pop up message.
FORMAT_MESSAGE Show the message in a full screen.
VRM_SET_VALUES Show the drop down menu.
F4_FILENAME Choose the file in the local system.
DSYS_SHOW_FOR_F1HELP Show the help of any field.
F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST Show the help of value request.
CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT Add zero's in user input.
CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT Remove zero's in output field.
CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_INPUT Add zero's in Material number.
CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_OUTPUT Remove zero's in Material number.
GUI_DOWNLOAD Transfer internal table data to file
MS_EXCEL_OLE_STANDARD_DAT Transfer internal table data to file
TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP Transfer excel file data to internal table
GUI_UPLOAD Transfer text file data to internal table
SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME Generate function module according to smart form name
SSF_OPEN Open job as like print multiple smart form
SSF_CLOSE Close job as like print multiple smart form
SSFCOMP_PDF_PREVIEW Direct open print preview
CONVERT_OTF Convert to OTF format
SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 Send document in mail
READ_TEXT Fetch text details
DEQUEUE_ALL Release Locks of an LUW
BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POSTL Posting the account document for GL/AP/AR
BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_POST Posting the account document for AP
BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_POST Posting the only G/L account
RFC_READ_TABLE Read database table from another system
GET_GLOBALS_FROM_SLVC_FULLSCR Update ALV after modification
ENQUE_READ2 Read lock entries of a client
DP_CREATE_URL Generates a temporary URL
/ISDFPS/EXEC_TRANSACTION Function module to call T-code
NUMBER_GET_NEXT Retrieve next number from Number Range
POPUP_TO_CONFIRM Ask question through a popup dialog box
ADDR_GET_NEXT_COMM_TYPE Find communication type
CONVERT_COMM_TYPE_DATA Convert communication type data
NAST_PROTOCOL_UPDATE Nast protocol update is success or not
SX_ADDRESS_TO_DEVTYPE Sender address to delivery mail
FP_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME Generate function module according to adobe form name
FP_JOB_OPEN Open job as like print multiple adobe form
FP_JOB_CLOSE Close job as like print multiple adobe form
ARCHIV_GET_PRINTFORMAT Set archive print format
FP_GET_LAST_ADS_ERRSTR Check error last address of adobe form


It is used to show the data in table format in the output screen. Those data are shown in output, These data are first stored in the internal table and this internal table passes to the REUSE ALV GRID DISPLAY function module. Do you know, How to use the REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY function module in the report program.


It is used to show the data in table format in output screen. Those data are show in output, These data are first store in internal table and this internal table pass to the REUSE ALV LIST DISPLAY function modules. Are you know, How to use of the REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY function module in report program. The uses of both function module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY and REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY are same but showing output layout is small difference.


It is used to create fieldcat using of custom table. If you creating the fieldcat manually, The basic details you required that is fields name, field description or other details, That details are have in custom table, Then use custom table. This fieldcat to use both REUSE ALV GRID and LIST DISPLAY function module. Are you know, How to use of the REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE function module in report program and why you use of this function module.


It is used to create fieldcat using of custom table. If you creating the fieldcat manually, The basic details you required that is fields name, field description or other details, That details are have in custom table, Then use custom table. This fieldcat to use both REUSE ALV GRID and LIST DISPLAY function module. Are you know, How to use of the LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE function module in report program and why you use of this function module.


It is used to convert amount to word means only convert Indian rupees to word. If you required to convert other country amount to word as like dollar to word then use SPELL_AMOUNT function module. Are you know, How to use of the HR_IN_CHG_INR_WRDS function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to convert amount to word means not only convert Indian rupees, convert any country amount like dollar, pound, ringgit, yen etc. to word according currency. Are you know, How to use of the SPELL_AMOUNT function module in report program and different example to use of spell amount function module or module pool.


It is used to convert first character is upper case. In some place output is required first character is upper case then this place use function module. Are you know, How to use of the FI_CONVERT_FIRSTCHARS_TOUPPER function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to show the current financial year. Some company financial year start 1st April to 31st march and other company financial year start 1at January to 31st December so, use this function module. Are you know, How to use of the GET_CURRENT_YEAR function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Add two date or month.It means if one company sell some item to another company and said that to payer company, You pay on date is 21st march, But payer company said, We can not pay on this date and please extend more 20 days. Then previous pay date is 21st march and extend more 20 days means 21st march + 20 days = 10 april this type of calculation to use this function module.Are you know, How to use of the RP_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Add time to a date.It means if you add 36 hours in 15th may then result is 12 hours 16th may this type of calculation to use this function module.Are you know, How to use of the ADD_TIME_TO_DATE function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to calculate difference of two date and time.It means if you calculate difference of days 3rd march to 21st april, The result is 49 days this type of calculation to use this function module.Are you know, How to use of the SD_DATETIME_DIFFERENCE function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to find first posting date and last posting date.Are you know, How to use of the G_POSTING_DATE_OF_PERIOD_GET function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to find the beginning date and end date of month. If user enter only month and year and using of this month and year to find the start date and end date of this month. One example : If user enter month is '8' and year is '2022', Then output of beginning date is 1-08-2022 and end date is 31-08-2022. Are you know, How to use of the HR_JP_MONTH_BEGIN_END_DATE function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to show the pop up message. If any place required validation, then that place use this function module. Show different types of message like error message, success message, warning message etc. Are you know, How to use of the C14Z_MESSAGES_SHOW_AS_POPUP function module in report program or module pool .


It is used to show the drop down menu. If any field required drop down menu then use this function module. Drop down menu items are custom selection means custom items are added through custom table or internal table. Are you know, How to use of the VRM_SET_VALUES function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to show the help of any field. It means if user select or click the help of any particular field, Then show new screen and this screen describe about the that particular field and what information showing in that screen as your choice. Are you know, How to use of the DSYS_SHOW_FOR_F1HELP function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to show the help of value request. It means you does not know what value enter in a particular field. If you use help of value request, Then show as like small box in the right side of the field. If you click this box, Then show some suggestion values and use any one value at a time. This suggestion values are selected as your choice. Are you know, How to use of the F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to add zero's in user input. Are you know, How to use of the CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to remove zero's in output field. Are you know, How to use of the CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to add zero's in Material number. Are you know, How to use of the CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_INPUT function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to remove zero's in Material number. Are you know, How to use of the CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_OUTPUT function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to transfer internal table data to file. Are you know, How to use of the GUI_DOWNLOAD function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to transfer internal table data to file. Are you know, How to use of the MS_EXCEL_OLE_STANDARD_DAT function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Transfer excel file data to internal table. Are you know, How to use of the TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Transfer text file data to internal table. Are you know, How to use of the GUI_UPLOAD function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to generate function module according to smart form name. Are you know, How to use of the SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to open job as like print multiple smart form. Are you know, How to use of the SSF_OPEN function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to close job as like print multiple smart form. Are you know, How to use of the SSF_CLOSE function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to direct open print preview. Are you know, How to use of the SSFCOMP_PDF_PREVIEW function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to convert to OTF format. Are you know, How to use of the CONVERT_OTF function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to convert to OTF TO PDF format. Are you know, How to use of the SX_OBJECT_CONVERT_OTF_PDFF function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to send documnet or text in mail. Are you know, How to use of the SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Fetch text details. Are you know, How to use of the READ_TEXT function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to create BAPI. Are you know, How to use of the BAPI_FIXEDASSET_OVRTAKE_CREATE function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to save or commite BAPI. Are you know, How to use of the BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to release locks of an LUW. Are you know, How to use of the DEQUEUE_ALL function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Posting the account document. Are you know, How to use of the BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POSTL function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Posting the only G/L account. Are you know, How to use of the DSYS_SHOW_FOR_F1HELP function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Create sale order. Are you know, How to use of the BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Read database table from another system. Are you know, How to use of the RFC_READ_TABLE function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Update ALV after modification. Are you know, How to use of the GET_GLOBALS_FROM_SLVC_FULLSCR function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Read lock entries of a client. Are you know, How to use of the ENQUE_READ2 function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to GUI PROGRESS PERCENTAGE. Are you know, How to use of the SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Generates a temporary URL. Are you know, How to use of the DP_CREATE_URL function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Function module to call T-code. Are you know, How to use of the /ISDFPS/EXEC_TRANSACTION function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Retrieve next number from Number Range. Are you know, How to use of the NUMBER_GET_NEXT function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Ask question through a popup dialog box. Are you know, How to use of the POPUP_TO_CONFIRM function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Find communication type. Are you know, How to use of the ADDR_GET_NEXT_COMM_TYPE function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Convert communication type data. Are you know, How to use of the CONVERT_COMM_TYPE_DATA function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Nast protocol update is success or not. Are you know, How to use of the NAST_PROTOCOL_UPDATE function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Sender address to delivery mail. Are you know, How to use of the SX_ADDRESS_TO_DEVTYPE function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Generate function module according to adobe form name. Are you know, How to use of the FP_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Open job as like print multiple adobe form. Are you know, How to use of the FP_JOB_OPEN function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Close job as like print multiple adobe form. Are you know, How to use of the FP_JOB_CLOSE function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Set archive print format. Are you know, How to use of the ARCHIV_GET_PRINTFORMAT function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Archive document create. Are you know, How to use of the ARCHIV_CREATE_OUTGOINGDOCUMENT function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to Check error last address of adobe form. Are you know, How to use of the FP_GET_LAST_ADS_ERRSTR function module in report program or module pool.


It is used to create the icon in push button. Are you know, How to use of the ICON_CREATE function module in report program or module pool.

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